About the Walks

Jeremy (Bendy) and Geoff (Twitchy) along with their wives Libby and Gail are walking two National Paths in Wales UK - the Pembrokeshire Coast Path and the Offa's Dyke Path.

All times in the blog are in UK local time.


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Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Twitchy Day 7 - Milford Haven to Dale

With great sadness the "soft cases" and the "hard cases" left Fawlty Towers ( aka the Lord Nelson ) in Milford Haven. It is a brewery owned and run establishment - the "Brains Brewery". ???
We had a great time - NOT

Today was a late late start as we had two tidal crossings to conquer. So we meandered around town for a bit, checking out the harbour before hitting the road. 

We left the big smoke behind us and slowly walked around the coastline, and out of the Milford Haven estuary. 

The excitement for the day, was the two tidal crossings, which if we had missed added a further ten kilometres to the days proceedings. 
The first one was at Sandy Haven and the other a the Gann, which was located at the end of long walk along a muddy stoney beach. 

All up we travelled 17.8 kilometres, through salty sea breezes and blustery winds on the cliff tops. No sun to speak of, just clouds and some occasional misty rain. Sadly the day, as short as it was, took its toll on Gailee, who has decided not to walk tomorrow. 
The "hard cases" will be a suitcase down - sigh 😔

The day ended at the delightful Allenbrook B&B, a vast improvement on last nights tawdry affair. 


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