About the Walks

Jeremy (Bendy) and Geoff (Twitchy) along with their wives Libby and Gail are walking two National Paths in Wales UK - the Pembrokeshire Coast Path and the Offa's Dyke Path.

All times in the blog are in UK local time.


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Saturday, 31 August 2019

Bendy Day 4 - Bosherston to Angle

31.7 km in 9:08
Ouch! A big day. The team split into 2 groups; Lib and I took the southern coastal route while Geoff and Gail took the northern inland route.
Lib and I left the St Govans Inn at 0845 and headed south towards the start of the military exercise area (it is not active on weekends). The wind had not eased since yesterday and out was a head wind of about 20 knots - hard going.  We visited St Govans Chapel which is a small and old chapel built between 2 cliff faces.  Amazing bit of engineering and an interesting place to build a chapel. 

View from inside St Gowns Chapel

We got to the end of the range at about 1100 (no one else around on the range until we got to the end) then headed inland to meet up with Geoff and Gail at Freshwater West.

Rock stacks near end of range

We met Geoff and Gail at 1300 and had a 45 minute break before heading off again - Gail left us at that point and caught a cab to the accommodation. The next 5 or so Km were intersting and very challenging. Big ups and downs, slippery in the dry so I recommend not trying this section in the rain. The track was predominantly a single file goat track for this section. We managed to press on to West Angle Bay past a herd of horses and lots of old disused military coastal defences. We had a short break in West Angle Bay and then started the last  section of todays walk. The bay has a couple of forts in it dating back to the 19th centuray.

Thorne Island Fort

We were met by Gail just before we got to the B&B and we dragged ourselves into the accommodation  almost right on 1800. Big day and all a bit foot sore.


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