About the Walks

Jeremy (Bendy) and Geoff (Twitchy) along with their wives Libby and Gail are walking two National Paths in Wales UK - the Pembrokeshire Coast Path and the Offa's Dyke Path.

All times in the blog are in UK local time.


Images can be viewed in larger format by clicking on them

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Bendy Day 0 - Tenby

Team Kangi are here at the Atlantic Hotel in Tenby.  Twitchy and Gail joined us last night in Swansea.  We arrived here by train this afternoon at about 1545. It has been planes, trains and automobiles to get here. The fun and games will start tomorrow when we do the first section of the walk Amroth to Tenby.

Atlantic Hotel

1 comment:

roscoe said...


Good on all of you :-)
I'll be following you from my armchair ;-)
feeling inspired
